Walk In A Beauty Way
A course for returning students who want to keep walking out of capitalism and towards Indigeneity as an alternative way of being in the world: a beauty way.

Walking Towards Liberation Together
The Ongoing Work of Behavior Change.
In this 8 month long course, we will be meeting once per month for 2 hours per session in order to keep doing the work of behavior change so that we can be better friends to ourselves and Indigenous peoples. Although we all have good intentions, none of us have the attention to do his work alone, and in fact, we shouldn’t. We need each other’s energy and loving support to keep going on this journey together. Join us to practice radical accountability with joy, love, and community.
In A Beauty Way
Capitalism teaches us to focus on the wrong, the horrible, and the hard. But everyday that we wake up, we are given the gift of life. It is our duty to notice how the rays of the sun feel on our skin, to listen to the songs of the birds, and smell the flowers in bloom as we take action towards justice. Join this course to learn this skill of bending our minds towards beauty at all times. Together we will remember what our ancestors knew: that beauty is the context of the world in which we all exist. Together we will cultivate radical joy.

October 2024 to May 2025.
Exact dates: The 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 7-9 PM EST /4-6 PM PST on Zoom. 2 Hours Per Session for 16 Hours of Total Instruction. 8 Hours of Pair Share Support in between classes.
Tuesdays October 15, 2024, November 19, 2024, December 17, 2024, January 21, 2025, February 18, 2025, March 18, 2025, April 15, 2025, May 20, 2025
$100/month for 8 months. Total is $800. Payment in installments is available, only need $100 to register for the first class. For students who need scholarships, let’s fundraise for them together.
Please note: this course is only open to previous students. You must take either an allyship course, the decolonize Judaism course, or the reconnecting Natives coming home work introduction in order to be eligible.