Want To Reconnect To Your Indigenous Roots?
We Can Help You Come Home Responsibly.
No One Can Take Away Who We Are.
We know that the lands that we now call Latin America, the Caribbean, and New Mexico and labels like Latina/x, Hispanic, Mestiza, Chicano (and others) were created by conquistadors and capitalists and do not describe who we are. We yearn for something else, but despair when our families have no stories or clues to offer to our origins.
Claiming our Native/Indigenous heritage is one of the most powerful personal and political stands that we can take against colonization. Native elders teach us that all of our children are all of our children. Meaning that if we have even one drop of Native blood in us, we are Native. No one can take that away from us, ever. We are the stolen children and their descendants who long to come home. The good news is that we can reclaim what has been lost, as long as we are willing to be accountable community members.
Join our online classes and community events to learn about coming home work and decolonizing together.
Becoming Accountable Community Members
Many of us who are reconnecting Natives were raised in capitalism instead of our Native nations, languages, and traditions. Greed, fear, isolation, competition, ego, rugged individualism, and arrogance were acceptable behaviors. It is only from a place of rigorous honesty and heartfelt communal safety that we can do the work to unlearn these behaviors. It is this process of unlearning that makes room for who we have always been, Native peoples with our own values, to flourish once again.
Our work is to cultivate our ability to be silent, to listen, and be humble. To be aware of our own emotions and behaviors so that if they need correcting, we do it right away, and see it as a kindness not a criticism. To shift our attention towards our connection to the beauty of the world. To be grateful for all of creation.
Join our online classes and community events so we can learn to be accountable community members together.
Coming Home Work: A Clarifying Framework
Coming home work allows us to see identity not as a mix, but rather as a layered cake where each part of us is stacked in layers one on top of the other. To see that each layer has been designed by capitalism to squish out the first layer of our cake: the Native layer. When we know each of our layers, then we can make better choices about who we wish to be.
We no longer have to settle for frameworks that confuse us, pit us against each other in debates that no one really wins, and leave us isolated. We owe it to ourselves, our families, and our Native nations to do the work to become resilient, generous, and responsible community members who can add strength in belonging, or allyship in supporting our Native nations of origin. We get to decide who we are, and be hopeful about the future.
Want to know more about where you fit? Take our online classes.
What We Do
Many of us who were raised in Hispanic, Chicano/a/x or Latino/a/e/x culture have always known that we have Native/Indigenous heritage. But we don’t necessarily know what to do about it, if anything. We provide perspective about how our quest for belonging and identity are impacted by sexism, white supremacy, capitalism, and attempted genocide. And hope that we can come home.
The way home will be different for each of us. We are all starting off from a different place, and we will end up in a different one too. We each have different layers of identity to think about, psychological and physical places that we need to visit and re-visit, and roads to walk that are ours alone. We give people the tools to make their own maps, and find their way back to themselves in community with others.
‘Coming home’ work is an umbrella term that describes a series of steps that provide some guidance for those who wish to reclaim their Native/Indigenous identity with respect, integrity, and care. We guide peoples through lies, hidden truths, and forgotten memories taken from them by oppression, assimilation, and isolation so that they can get the help we all need to find ourselves and home.
We do coming home work so that we can learn how to behave according to principles, values, and traditions that were taken away from us through forced assimilation and policies of genocide. Whatever was lost can be reclaimed as long as we are willing to be responsible and accountable community members. We coach people as they do coming home work to help them figure out how to put this all into practice along their coming home journey, wherever it takes them.
What People Are Saying About Our Classes
We offer intimate online classes of up to 10 students so that there is enough space and time for each of us to bring our own kind of intelligence, both communal and personal, that shapes the conversation and contributes to the learning environment.
For now, our classes are all online so that they can be accessed from anywhere in the world. In order to build safety within the group, cameras need to be on and students should expect to share their own experiences.
Community Events
During the pandemic, we were only able to offer classes on Zoom. As we navigate what the virus is doing now, we hope to be able to gather in person soon so that we can meet each other in person. Stay tuned.
If you have completed all or some of our classes and want to keep going, please reach out for coaching. What we all need is a friend to hold our hands as we confront what we need to in order to keep going along our coming home journey. These one on one consultations with our Founder as a space to ask questions, get guidance, and figure out next steps.